dijous, 4 de febrer del 2016

Supernatural S11 E01: Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire

Plus: Aried on the 7 of October of 2015 (Dir: Robert Singer Wri: Jeremy Carver) Episode 219 

We start remembering what happened in the last season: Crowley, Rowena, Charlie and Dean’s evolution to kill Cain, Cas’ an angel again, they kill Death and the Darkness is free. They’re still in the Impala.

Now. We see Dean surrounded by the Darkness, and he sees a woman. But we go back to Sam in the Impala unconscious. He awakes and remembers the events; when the Darkness took them, Dean wasn’t already in the car. He walks for a mile and finds his brother on a field, also unconscious; he doesn’t remember anything apart from that woman, the Darkness, who saved him.

(The titles are now a dark yellow surrounded by a dark cloud)

The Winchesters talk about the Darkness, who saved Dean for setting her free, and they want to put her back in. We see a cabin with Cas in, still under the spell, remembering how he killed Crowley, he looks like he’s suffering, but he discovers Crowley left his body before he stabbed him. The farmers go to the cabin and Cas advices them to go away, he can’t control himself that much, but runs away.

Sam and Dean drive to some road where they see the police, an ambulance and some cars, but there’s no one alive, all of them are dead, and for what it seemed it was brutal. A man goes out, having his veins in a dark green and a cop shoots him. She wants them to show skin, so they’re not infected. She’s hurt. She came there where those monsters where killing everyone.

They take her to a hospital, where it seems to have been through the same fate. Sam goes to see if there are more of those and sees one of them hitting a door, trying to get in, as they hear a baby crying. Dean heals and comforts Jenna (the cop). He remembers talking to the Darkness, who is very old, as she doesn’t remember anything from this world.

Sam hears as the monster collapses dead on the floor. He knocks the door and a man opens him, begging Sam to help him and his daughter. We see Crowley take another body, now a woman and takes a metal bar. She goes into ‘her house’ and sees ‘her husband’ and another couple as they tell ‘her’ they agreed to have an orgy.

Back to the hospital, the dad tells them the baby is all what’s left, as her mother died giving birth. The Winchesters see he’s infected, as those monsters cut him. Mark (the dad) knows he’s going to change, as he’s been like this for three-four hours. The police go to some forest looking for Cas, and he prays to his brothers and sisters to help him from doing worse and that he’ll accept anything they do to him.

In the hospital they discuss about what to do with Mark: Dean wants to kill him, Sam wants to wait until he dies and Jenna wants to find a cure. Mark, instead wants to leave them alone and he gives Jenna his baby to take care of her. Dean sees as someone else approaches to the hospital.

Dean arms them so they can get out of the building to save the baby. Cas calls Dean telling him Rowena escaped. Cas’ suffering but keeps worrying about them. They tell him the Darkness’ free and they want to kill her, but Cas tells them it’ll be a long time since they see again, as the angels have come for him. Back to Crowley, ‘she’ has called some demons to go back to work.

Sam and Dean argue about saving the baby and Sam wants to save the others infected; both of them have to change. Dean and Jenna put the baby in the car and they drive away as Sam attracts the infected ones. Before they get in the car, Mark tells them the baby’s name is Amara and he dies, but Sam gets infected.

Crowley goes back into his ‘original’ body and the demons tell them Michael or Lucifer tries to escape and all of them are freaking out. The angels don’t bring Cas to Heaven as they promised, torture him.

Dean and Jenna stop some miles away and he calls Sam, telling each other they are okay and that Sam’s going to find a cure. Dean remembers talking to the Darkness; she has the mark of Cain and they will always help each other. Sam’s infection is spreading and Jenna sees a mark on Amara’s skin: the Darkness’ mark.

Hope you liked it!

diumenge, 20 de desembre del 2015

Doctor Who S09 E02: The Witch's Familiar by Steven Moffat

Plus: This is the second episode aired on the 26 of September of 2015

We see quickly what happened on the last episode and then Clara’s tied up from his feet and Missy is sat on a rock pointing a stick. She tells a story about the Doctor where he was surrounded and got to use the enemy’s energy to teleport just before he’s killed. He’s a genius, as he made all those calculations in a matter of a few nanoseconds. That’s what Missy had done with the Daleks. The Doctor always survives because he assumes he’s going to win, but now with his will, they think they will all die.

The amazing title enter again, all of you sing now :)

(Now this part we are alternating the Doctor, Missy and Clara.)

D: The Daleks open the door to their room to let Davros in, but it’s actually the Doctor with a Dalek gun on Davros' seat.

M + C:The women go to Skaro’s sewers to find a way back in, where the Daleks are still alive.

D: The Doctor points at them with the gun to get information.

M + C: Clara gets up in the sewers and points the stick to Missy’s back, but she doesn’t use it because she can’t.

D: The Doctor wants to know where Clara is, but they tell him she’s dead, they can’t. The women hear him hopeless, asking for her. Colony Sarf traps the Doctor.

M + C: Missy uses Clara as a bait to kill a Dalek.

D: Davros and the Doctor talk again back in his room. Davros kept alive because every Dalek is connected to him. The Daleks have a defect, they have mercy for Davros. The Doctor could kill them all in a heartbeat, commit genocide again… but his doesn’t. They come deep, the Doctor actually cares for Davros, he isn’t proud about his past: he is the Doctor, he has compassion.

M + C:  Clara goes inside the Dalek and learns to control it, as some words change and if she has too strong emotions it starts exterminating. Then they both go to see the Supreme Dalek.

D: They talk about the Hybrid, a mix of two warrior species (Time Lords and Daleks) and Davros suspects the Doctor is the key, as he left Gallifrey, and not for fun. Davros is happy for the Doctor now Gallifrey is back and he wants to see the sun rise one last time. It seems as their bond gets strong, as if they were friends.

M + C: They meet the Daleks while Missy keeps her ego. She demands to see Davros and gives them Clara inside the Dalek.

D: The Doctor tries to give Davros more energy using a bit his regeneration cells, but Davros traps him and all the Daleks gain his power. Davros wants to create the Hybrid himself.

M + C: Missy, having seen the Daleks are 'evolving', comes for him and pulls him back while Clara tries to go there too, but slower.

(Now it’ll be like the other episodes, not changing to the different characters POV)

All the Daleks are more powerful now. The Doctor gets his confession dial again and tells Davros that all the Daleks in the sewers are also more powerful and they’re rising up to kill them all with earthquakes. The Doctor and Missy go away and he finds a Dalek coming to him as he asks it where is Clara. The Dalek answers ‘I am a Dalek’, as Clara’s inside it and her words are changed. Missy tells him it’s the Dalek who killed Clara. Missy's trying to kill her. She was about to get the Doctor to kill her when the Dalek suddenly says ‘Mercy’. Daleks shouldn’t be able to say ‘mercy’, but Clara wouldn’t kill the Doctor. They get her out of the Dalek and Missy runs away, now that her plan didn’t work. They both go to the Supreme Dalek again to go intp the TARDIS again.

They manage to escape and he thinks about how the Dalek could say ‘mercy’, because Davros can’t. He realizes he still has the Dalek gun and goes back in time, when Davros was a little kid. We see the last scene of the last chapter, but he doesn’t shoot him, he shoots all the handmines. Davros asks him if he’s the enemy, and he replies it doesn’t matter so long as there’s mercy. He takes him back and the episode ends.

Boom! You didn’t think it would end like that, did you? Hope you enjoyed it! :)

Doctor Who S09 E01: The Magician's Apprentice by Steven Moffat

Plus: This is a double episode aired on the 19 of September of 2015

We start the chapter on a planet we don’t know which is in war but it’s an old one. Two men notice a little boy around 10-12 years and one stays to help him, as he says he is lost. They notice there are handmines around them and he tells the boy to stand absolutely still before the older is sucked through the ground because a handmine got him. Then the Doctor throws him the sonic screwdriver so they can talk. The Doctor asks for the boy’s name and he answers Davros. Aaaand the entrance titles go in.

Later we see Colony Sarf asking for the Doctor, as he is required for Davros, in the Maldovarium, the Shadow Proclamation, and the planet of Karn. The Sisterhood of Karn earn information from Colony Sarf, they say that Davros is dying and he remembers. The Doctor is there, hidden behind a rock, and when they leave, he agrees to go to visit him. Now, with the Davros we know, he is weak and holds the sonic screwdriver and as he tells Colony Sarf to look for his friends if you search for the Doctor.

Clara is in the school when suddenly she sees a plane frozen in the sky. In no time, it becomes international news as all the planes have stopped. UNIT calls for her and she goes while all together try to find the Doctor. They assume the planes are for an attack, like ‘bombs’, as they are frozen in time, but Clara says it’s somebody who wants their attention. Missy contacts them as she wants UNIT to find her and talk to Clara with 8 snipers, so they feel safe.

They meet in Tenerife and Missy shows Clara she controls the planes and that she has the Doctor’s confession dial, his will, which will only open when he’s dead. Time Lords only give their will on their last moments to their best friend, who’s Missy. They have a rough time and she releases the planes, so they start looking for him together. They find him in Essex playing the electric guitar on a tank with his new sonic glasses. He makes bad puns and notices Missy and Clara and he asks them to go down on the arena.

Colony Sarf finds them and tells them to go with him to Skaro as he throws them his sonic screwdriver. They all come with Colony Sarf and the Daleks also bring the TARDIS. They go to some space station they think it’s a hospital. They leave Missy and Clara alone and they argue about the gravity of the space station. The Doctor and Davros talk about the situation and the Daleks. They discover the ‘space station’ was, in fact, a building of Skaro. The Daleks bring back in the women with the TARDIS. Missy makes them kill both of them while the Doctor begs Davros not to.

We see the Doctor back in Skaro when Davros was a kid, where he left him. He wants to save his friends and points a Dalek gun towards him.

dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2015


So yeah, I am a fangirl that cannot just watch series and do nothing. I have a tumblr account and write fanfiction so... Here I am! Creating a blog just for the things I hate: SPOILERS. But, I'll post every Sunday if there are any series that I've seen. Right now I'm basically on Doctor Who and Supernatural (we'll take a long time with this one), but for Xmas there'll be the Sherlock Special. I'm starting with the latest seasons, so... SPOILERS FOR EVERYONEEE!!!